COMULISglobe funding for our biomedical research
Mikolaj Ogrodnik, leader of SHoW´s biomedical research group, was awarded funding to access a Euro-BioImaging Node via the COMULISglobe funding call. In course of a competitive selection process, his application was highly evaluated by the committee.
Dr. Ogrodnik intends to use the funding on the FEBS project. With support from the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, he and his team strive to answer one of the most fundamental questions on aging and cellular senescence: Does the age of individual cells inside living tissues impact their capacity to become senescent and harmful for their surroundings?
With the additional support from the COMULISglobe project, our biomedical research team will foster collaboration with Dr. Sebastiaan van Nuffel and Dr. Michiel Vandenbosch from the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute M4i on MS-fluorescent multimodal imaging.