The SenAge project aims to understand the aging process and its implications for biology and medicine. It focuses on senescent cells, dysfunctional cells that accumulate during aging, contribute to age-related diseases but are also found during regeneration where their contribution might be beneficial.
One crucial question in the field is whether senescent cells are biologically old or young, i.e., whether they come from cells that have undergone few or numerous divisions before undergoing senescence. The project proposes an innovative approach to determine the biological age of senescent cells. It leverages isotope labeling and mass spectrometry-based imaging to measure the biological age of cells in situ.
The project aims to develop methodologies for detecting and assessing cellular senescence and determining the biological age of cells in the liver, skin, brain and other organs. Using specific transgenic models, conditions of ageing and regeneration the project will provide insights into the biological age of senescent cells in a physiological context. We aim to contribute to the broader understanding of the aging process and regeneration to pave the way for future advancements in the field of senescence research.
The project receives funding from the FEBS Excellence Award. Thank you for your support!
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